It’s Not Too Late: How to Save Your Resolutions for the New Year

Salvage your resolutions for the new year

Have your resolutions for the new year already taken a back seat? Well, it's not too late to save them! In fact, the month of March is crucial for getting back on track. According to statistics, only 77% of people keep their new year's resolution one week into the new year, and that number decreases to 40% by end of March. That means for many people what happens in early March can either keep them on track for accomplishing their new year's goals or abandoning them completely.

You may be one of those people who say, "I don't make resolutions because they're a waste of time." But the reality is that we all want to turn the page on our past failures and pursue new dreams at the beginning of each new year. So regardless of what you label it -new year's goals, new year’s vision plan, or new year’s aspirations -, if you don't have a blueprint for achieving them, then you will be no different from the millions of people who abandon their New Year's resolutions every year.

So, as we take on 2023, let's get creative with how we approach our resolutions for the new year. Just like crafting a delicious dish - preparation is your key for success. You can always adjust and tweak as you go along if something goes wrong – or even start over from scratch! So, regardless of what has happened so far in 2023, it’s not too late to get back on track. In this blog post, I will give you 5 tips for getting back on track and accomplishing your goals for 2023. 

  1. Take a break from social media  

Taking a break from social media is a great way to reset our resolutions for the new year. We live in a digital world, and it can be hard to remember that there is more to life than what we see on our devices. By refocusing and redirecting our attention away from digital distractions, we can better appreciate the moments that really matter in life. Taking a break gives us time to reflect on ourselves and helps us remain grounded in the midst of the chaos of everyday life. It allows us to recognize that comparing ourselves to others online has no bearing on who we truly are or what we have achieved. So, a break from social media is essential if we want 2023 to be another great year and learn from any mistakes we made in 2022.

2. Get SMART with your goals 

If you want your resolutions for the new year to become realities and not another letdown, then setting SMART goals is one of the most valuable tools you can use. Start by defining goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. This will ensure that your goals have an action plan attached to them so that they appear less overwhelming. Read my prior article about SMART goals and download the template to take this tip to the next level so you can achieve more goals this year.  

3. Work on your habits 

Oftentimes our goals get pushed aside just a few months later because we forget one key component needed alongside setting goals – habits. Our daily behaviors are essential to both our successes and failures and it's up to us to make sure we're developing the right ones for our goals. For instance, if your goal is to lose weight this year you have to do the hard work of forming healthy habits, from how much you exercise to what you eat day-to-day. Similarly, if you want that promotion at work it's important to build or strengthen certain habits like being focused, having excellent communication skills, and leadership capabilities. When creating goals, understand what habits you will most likely need to achieve them. Read more about habits in this article

4. Start slow and go small

Resolutions for the new year are often a daunting task, and sometimes they can end up feeling overwhelming when we try to aim too high. Instead of going big all at once, it's important to break down resolutions or goals into smaller chunks and take things slowly. Just as you wouldn't try to climb Mt Everest without having done any hiking in your life, resolutions should be broken down into achievable goals that you can reach within a week or a month. Taking smart, small steps with consistency is key for achieving resolutions instead of just trying to go big or give up altogether. 

5. Have a reset plan 

What should you do if you that you have strayed so far away from your goals? Maybe you procrastinated too much, resulting in tight deadlines, or you have already gained weight despite resolutions to lose it. It can be challenging to even know where and how to start getting back on track once you’ve dug yourself into a hole. To help you get going on the right path again, I want to share an easy reset plan that will help you get back on track. This downloadable plan will help guide you through the goals you made for the new year, empowering you on your journey towards success.

So, if you find yourself off track, it's not the end of the world. There are plenty of things you can do to get back on track and accomplish your resolutions for the new year. Just remember to take a break from social media, be SMART about goal setting, focus on building positive habits, start small, and have a plan in place for when things go wrong. To help you out, I have included a downloadable Time Matters reset plan. Request your FREE copy below and salvage your resolutions for the new year. 

Do you need feel off track and want to hit the reset button on the new year? This reset plan will help reset your goals, refocus your efforts and get back on track. Download below.


Forget the To-Do List - Here's How You Can Actually Plan for the Week 


Use this 4-Step Personal Strategic Plan to Make Sure You Achieve Your Goals