Top 5 Ways You’re Hurting Your Productivity
5. “No” is not your default answer
I have a son who just turned 2. And like most toddlers, his favorite word is “no.” “Can you share with your sister?” “No!” “It’s time for your bath. “No!” I am not suggesting you tap into the inner stubbornness of a 2-year-old. However, most of us should take a page from the toddler playbook and make “no” our default answer.
Why should we say “no” more often? Because when we say “yes,” we are also saying “no” to something else.
So, the next time you are asked to join a committee, give a presentation, or assume a new role at your job - whatever it may be - do not respond immediately. Give yourself some time.
Time to formulate your “no” if you have trouble saying it.
Time to see if you have the bandwidth to say “yes.”
And more importantly, time to figure out what you will be saying “no” to if you give a “yes” to that ask.
What if you’re not able to say “no” to the things you don’t want to do? Maybe you’ve recently started a new job and are concerned about first impressions. Or you’re a junior or entry level professional, and the person asking is senior to you. If you have to say “yes,” then do you have to say “yes” to everything within that request? What things can you control (for example, deadlines)? And what can you delegate?
Time is finite. Yet, we spend significant portions of our time on activities and habits that do not align with our vision and values. Learning to say no is the first step to realigning our time with our values and vision.
4. You don’t believe in yourself
Many of us, to varying degrees, have experienced moments where we have felt like a fraud and feared that others would also make the same discovery about us.
For many, these are not fleeting moments, but a daily, lived experience known as imposter syndrome.
And, if you’re a woman or a person of color or both, the experiences of present and past interpersonal and structural racism and/or sexism can really solidify this imposter feeling.
Self-doubt or imposter syndrome can contribute to the extremes of procrastination and perfectionism. We convince ourselves that we don’t have what it takes to give that presentation or get that grant or secure that new contract - so we put off working on it until the next day, and the next, and the next. Or, we convince ourselves that our work is not good enough unless it is absolutely perfect - a feat that is nearly impossible to achieve.
What can you do in these moments? Here are two considerations.
Mentally reframe your doubts and fears into learning opportunities or tools to help you grow.
Visualize the person you want to be, believe (or at least pretend to believe) that you are already that person. In a widely popular TED Talk, social psychologist, Amy Cuddy, said it best - “fake it ’til you become it.”
3. You have an “all or nothing” mindset
“I won’t have enough time, so I’ll do it later.”
“I can’t jog for the entire mile so I’m just going to walk.”
You don’t have the full hour needed to get that task done, but can you use the 15-mins you do have to make progress?
You can’t jog the entire mile, but can you jog half and walk the rest?
Doing less does not mean you failed.
Doing less is better than doing nothing.
When we are in this “all or nothing” mindset, there are two simple questions that we can ask, “what can I do with the time that I have now?” and “what small step can I take now to make progress?”
Small steps - writing 30 minutes everyday or getting on your spin bike 10-minutes everyday can lead to great results.
Small steps also build large habits.
2. You’re focused on tools not habits
When I talk about productivity with others, there are usually two types of questions that I receive. “What do I need to do be more productive?” and “What app should I download?”
People are generally enamored with tools and systems. It seems like a quick fix to a lack of productivity and efficiency. But a tool or system will only work with the right habits.
Habits are the unconscious choices that we make daily. Some of them are good and essential to our daily lives - like brushing your teeth every morning. However, some can be maladaptive and hurt your productivity.
You can download all of the to-do apps in the world, but if you are not intentional about your habits, the sheer number of unchecked items on your to do list will just haunt you on a daily basis.
So, focus on your habits. Unlearn the maladaptive habits and learn intentional habits that will help you achieve the boost in productivity you’re seeking.
1. Your tasks are not values oriented
The number one item on this list is really tied to your definition of productivity.
What does it mean to be productive? Is it keeping a list of tasks and checking them off?
If you are organized and great at getting things done, but you don’t know who you want to be and what you need to achieve to reach your ideal future, then can you really be productive?
Being productive is about getting things done that are valuable to you
Defining your core values will guide your vision. And knowing your vision will define your tasks.
Your journey towards a more productive life does not start with writing down all the tasks that you need to get accomplished this week. It starts with you visualizing your ideal self and writing down what you need to achieve to reach that ideal self and future. This will shift you from an ambitious woman who is merely surviving to one who is living and thriving.
Learn more about my values-based productivity approach - VHS (Values, Habits, Systems) by going to the First Steps page on this website.